(AB-11-01) Fabrication of air-bridge Schottky diodes on germanium for high speed IR detectors
A. Notargiacomoa, , R. Bagnib, E. Giovinea, V. Fogliettia, S. Cartaa, M. Peab, L. Di Gaspareb, G. Capellinib, F. Evangelistib
Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 88, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages 2714-2716
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering (MNE) 2011
(AB-11-02) 20 nm metamorphic HEMT WITH 660 GHz FT
Leuther, A.; Koch, S.; Tessmann, A.; Kallfass, I.; Merkle, T.; Massler, H.; Loesch, R.; Schlechtweg, M.; Saito, S.; Ambacher, O.;
Fraunhofer Inst. for Appl. Solid State Phys. (IAF), Freiburg, Germany
Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW/IPRM), 2011 and 23rd International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 22-26 May 2011, 1- 4, Berlin
(AB-11-03) Fabrication of Schottky diodes for terahertz imaging
E. Giovine , R. Casini, D. Dominijanni, A. Notargiacomo, M. Ortolani, V. Foglietti
Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 88, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages 2544-2546
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering (MNE)
(AB-10-01) Trilayer Electron-beam Lithography and surface preparation for sub-micron Schottky contacts on GaAs heterostructures
5612783Dominijanni, D.; Casini, R.; Foglietti, V.; Ortolani, M.; Notargiacomo, A.; ; Lanzieri,C.; Peroni,M.; ; Romanini, P.; Giovine, E.;
CNR, Ist. di Fotonica e Nanotecnol., Rome, Italy
Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), 2010 35th International Conference on
5-10 Sept. 2010
(AB-10-02) 150 nm copper metalized GaAs pHEMT with Cu/Ge ohmic contacts
Anichenko, E.V.; Arykov, V.S.; Erofeev, E.V.; Kagadei, V.A.;
Res. & Production Co. Micran, Tomsk, Russia
Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 2010 European
27-28 Sept. 2010, 166 – 169, Paris
(AB-09-01) Process Development of GaAs Based RF MEMS Switch
P.Suryanarayana, A.A. Naik, Ch.Sridar, V.S.N. Murthy, J. Ravikiran, M. Renju, Sandeep, S.D. Prasad, A.V.S.K. Rao, A.Mangatayaru*, S.K. Koul**, and R.Muralidharan.
GAETEC, Vignyana Kancha, Hyderabad-69, MMIC Group, SSPL, DELHI,
*RCI, Vignyana Kancha Post, Hyderabad-500068, **IIT, DELHI
CS MANTECH Conference, May 18th-21st, 2009, Tampa, Florida, USA
(AB-08-01) Micromachining of Air-Bridges on SU-8 Substrates
Miller, J.R.; Harriss, J.E.; Pearson, L.W.
Components and Packaging Technologies, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 31 , Issue: 1 Page(s): 159 – 164, 2008
(AB-08-02) Fabrication of graphene p-n-p junctions with contactless top gates
Gang Liu, Jairo Velasco, Jr., Wenzhong Bao, and Chun Ning Laua
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California, Riverside, California 92521, USA
Applied Physics Letters / Volume 92 / Issue 20 / NANOSCALE SCIENCE AND DESIGN (2008)
(AB-07-01) Fabrication of nanoscale metallic air-bridges by introducing a SiO2 sacrificial layer
Yang Zhang Jian Liu,, Yan Li, Fuhua Yang,
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol.10, Issues 4-5, Aug.-Oct. 2007, p. 194-199
(AB-07-02) Polymer-Supported Bridges for Multi-Finger AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction Field Effect Transistors (HFETs)
Michael H. Willemann
VPI Thesis, 2007
(AB-06-01) Fabrication of metallic air bridges using multiple-dose electron beam lithography
E Girgis, J Liu–
Applied physics letters, 2006 – link.aip.org
(AB-06-02) Electrically Injected Quantum-Dot Photonic Crystal Microcavity Light-Emitting Arrays With Air-Bridge Contacts
Chakravarty, S.; Bhattacharya, P.; Mi, Z.;
Dept. of Electical Eng. & Comput. Sci., Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor, MI
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 18 Issue: 24, p2665 – 2667, December, 2006
(AB-05-01) A novel low-temperature method to fabricate MEMS resonators using PMGI as a sacrificial layer
Steven Young1, Don Weston1, Bill Dauksher1, David Mancini1,3, Sergio Pacheco2, Peter Zurcher2 and Mel Miller2
1 Motorola Labs, 2100 E Elliot Road, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA
2 Freescale Semiconductor, 2100 E Elliot Road, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA
J. Micromech. Microeng. 15 1824-1830, 2005
(AB-05-02) Air-bridge interconnection and bond pad process for non-planar compound semiconductor devices
Gwenn Ulliac a,*, Sophie Garidel b, Jean-Pierre Vilcot b, Pascal Tilmant b
a THALES SYSTEMES AEROPORTES, 2 Av Gay Lussac, 78851 Elancourt, France
b Institut d_Electronique, de Microe “lectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN) UMR CNRS 8520, Avenue Poincare ” , BP 69, 59652 Villeneuve d_Ascq Cedex, France
Microelectronic Engineering 81 53-58, 2005
(AB-04-01) Packaging of devices for topside cooling by replacing air-bridges with Su-8 polymer bridges [MESFET example]
Wright, J.I.; Fillion, R.; Meyer, L.; Shaddock, D.
Gen. Electr. Global Res. & Dev. Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA-
Advanced Packaging Materials: Processes, Properties and Interfaces, 2004.
2004 Proceedings. 9th International Symposium on; ISBN: 0-7803-8436-9, pages 63 – 68, 2004
(AB-04-02) Electrode fabrication for high-speed polarization mode converter
Meng, X. Zhang, S. Chen, C. Poirier, M. Shepherd, F. R. Das, S. R.
Bookham Technology (Canada), 3500 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8E9, Canada-
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
May 2004 Volume: 22 Issue: 3 page(s): 816 – 820 ISSN: 0734-2101